Why is the City making an Accessibility Plan?

    Section 4.1 of the Province's Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation requires the City to:

    1. establish, implement, maintain and document a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines the organization’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet its requirements under this Regulation;
    2. post the accessibility plan on their website, if any, and provide the plan in an accessible format upon request; and 
    3. review and update the accessibility plan at least once every five years. 

    Public sector organizations are also required to consult with their Accessibility Advisory Committee, as well as people with disabilities, as part of the development of these plans.

    The City's current five-year Accessibility Plan ends in December 2022.

    Are all buildings in Ontario supposed to be accessible by 2025?

    No. Existing buildings are not required to be accessible by 2025. If an existing building receives a renovation or an addition, generally only the area under construction shall meet current codes and standards.

    Is it ok to say "disabled person"?

    Generally no. It is best to Focus on the Person, Not the Disability. You can say, "Mark is a person with a disability" instead of "Mark is disabled". It's also good to avoid sympathetic phrases such as "victim of", "suffers with", or "confined to a wheelchair". Get to know some people with disabilities. You'll quickly learn they often have super abilities and are pretty cool people!

    How do I report a concern for people with disabilities?

    Use the City of Peterborough's report an issue form. The form will be directed to the appropriate staff person and they will try their best to answer your question or address the concern.

    What are all the orange spray paint marks on sidewalks?

    The orange spray paint marks identify uneven sidewalk joints and cracks. GPS coordinates of all marks are tracked on a digital mapping system and the City uses the information to help prioritize temporary repairs and sidewalk reconstruction work.

    Ontario law requires the City to inspect sidewalk "surface discontinuity" once a year at all joints and cracks. The City is required to take reasonable measures to protect sidewalk users from a vertical discontinuity that creates a step greater than 2 cm. Options to treat the step include:

    • make a permanent or temporary repair,
    • call attention to the step to alert users, or
    • prevent access to the sidewalk.

    Interesting fact: The City currently has 404 kms of sidewalk to inspect!