Knights of Columbus Park Redevelopment

Draft Plan review by advisory committees
A concept plan for the Knights of Columbus Park was presented to the Arenas, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 and to the Accessibility Advisory Committee on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.
The advisory committees provided comments on the concept plan for consideration ahead of finalizing the project plan. Project reports and documents are posted under the Documents section of the project page.
What's Happening
The City of Peterborough is inviting residents to learn about the proposed development of Knights of Columbus Park and provide feedback. the park is located at 5 Park Street North in Ward 3.
In 2024, Phase 1 work will include the development of 4 tennis courts and associated lighting. In 2025, Phase 2 work is proposed to provide a washroom building, pet exercise area, Legacy Bowl upgrades and shade structure.
City parks will incorporate features for all ages with a focus on improving accessibility within the parks.
Knights of Columbus Park was identified as a priority project in the City's Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facility Study that identified key objectives to improve and expand opportunities to support recreation across the City. Completion of this project will support the provision strategies as outlined in the report.
What we heard
Online Survey
102 people responded to the Knights of Columbus Park Redevelopment Survey. The survey showed 59 people would drive to the park, 44 would walk/run and 27 would bike. The survey showed a strong support for more tree planting and accessible seating including benches being a high priority items. Respondents were able to provide additional comment at the end of the survey, 45 people chose to leave an additional comment that included comments on how much they were looking forward to having tennis, a splash pad and pet exercise area opportunity in the community, concerns of maintenance of the park, the need for upgrades to the Legacy Bowl and comments about the need for increased naturalization. Comments have been summarized and posted on the project webpage. The concerns noted will be reviewed and addressed by the project team through the design process as the project progresses.
Knights of Columbus survey results summary is available.
Future information about the project and a concept plan will be updated on the Connect Peterborough project page as they come available.
Public Drop-In Session
A public drop-in session was held on on Thursday, April 4, 2024, at the McDonnel Street Community Centre. Feedback from this meeting will be included in a summary once the online survey closes.
The Presentation Boards from the public consultation represents the vision for the project and identifies the elements provided in the park.